Transform your Shower with

GURU SuperKits

Get the sleek, modern shower you’ve always wanted with the ultimate GURU Shower System—designed to make waterproofing easy and stress-free.

Customizable to Your Needs – Select the perfect shower size and choose between square or linear drains in various styles and finishes to match your design.

Success Guaranteed – At PlaceForPros, we stand behind our products. When you install a GURU Superkit, you’re guaranteed a reliable, watertight shower prep—every time.

Expert Support – Have questions during installation? Our dedicated customer service team is here to help, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Buy your GURU Shower System today at PlaceForPros and build with confidence! Your success is GUARANTEED!






Shower kit installation

Frequently Asked Questions

1. I want to confirm before purchasing if the best size for my shower is your 36x60 center drain. The shower pan that is in now is 34x54 and wasn't sure if the 60 included the curb or not. Also, Can tile be applied directy above the waterproofing base or does it requiere mudding? This will be a DIY for a small bathroom and it has a iron cast drain

As long as the shower pan is bigger, we are good since you can always cut down the shower pan to fit the size you are looking for. You may need to purchase the band roll (IGU6400) to waterproof the perimeter of the shower. The showerpan has a build-up slope so you can tile direct on it. If you purchase the shower kit, the curb will be included. Lastly, the preslope shower pan connector cannot go to the cast iron drain. You will have to remove the cast iron and add an extension pipe to make sure that you are installing the connector at the right height. This is the most critical installation step since the connector has to sit on the subfloor at its outter ring (3/8" height) Therefore you might want to remove the cast iron drain, put an extension pipe and cut the pipe 1 3/8" from the subfloor surface. Please take a look at the video link below and if you have any questions, feel free to reach us out!  

2. I think I'm leaning toward doing a linear setup. Is there anyway I can cancel the shower kit and you could help me with a linear setup?

To purchase linear set up you would need: -Shower pan (IMU9200 or IMU9201 or IMU902) depending on the shower size. Please keep in mind our linear shower pans are all off-center. -Linear drain kit (ICU3010 abs or ICU3012 pvc) -Linear drain: Keep in mind that the drain has to be as long as possible since the side of the drain won't have slope and can generate issues, EG: If you order a shower pan 37.5"x59,5" I would recommend the 36" linear drain before the 28". Lastly you will need fabric to waterproof the walls and the curb if you need one.  

3. Do you make a Square 36" x 36" PVC Without Drain Superkit?

No, but you can cut the shower pan. 

4. What is the thinkness of the Pan on this 48x72 center PVC pan?

7/8" (catalog)

5. I wanna see if there’s any chance that I can pay for faster shipping?

We are shipping the same day if you place the order before 2 pm EST via UPS. It takes 2 days if you are in the East coast and 3 if you are west coast. once it has been shipped there’s nothing we can do. I’ll check tomorrow maybe UPS updates the date for a sooner one

6. For this 36in wide pan what sizes of the linear drain can I use?

We have linear drains from 16” to 36” that you can choose from. The shower pan size is 37 1/2 inches . If your shower is 36”, we would recommend to install a 28” instead of the 36”

7. I am about to purchase a 36x60 kit. I need to trim it to fit my 36x48 space. It is already offset drain at 10 inches can i trim the long side of the 60 inches down to fit the 48 needed (12 inches off the back)

Yes, that is the correct side to be trimmed . Score from the back, snap it and score again from the top

8. Hey if I get the tileable integra square drain kit and later decide I want a normal drain are they interchangeable?

If you haven’t installed the drain, then yes. But if you've already installed the drain, you won't be able, since you need to recess the grate on the tileable drain can only be done by fliping the middle piece of the connector during the installation

9. I’m really interested in the Guru shower system but I’m looking for 36x36. Do you carry that? Also, my shower would be open on two sides. Does the kit carry two 36 inch long sides?

You can buy the 36x48 and cut the shower pan to your shower size.
The kit only has one, but you can add a second one 

10. Hey I’ve been using multimax lite directly on the subfloor after spongeing it for the g-flex, is that correct?

I’ve noticed some of the Schluter guys priming the subfloors before using thin-set for their Ditra.

11. I am considering doing a walk in shower in my master bedroom. Do you guys have a tutorial on this when dealing with a concrete slab? The shower floor measures 52" x 58"

You would need to get a 48x48 pan and fill in the sides with Mud. Than cover that with our membrane

12. Does guru make a 4x4 shower kit with 2 curbs? Also how tall are the curbs and can I install glass enclosure to them or should I use traditional lumber and wrap it with the guru sheeting ?

48x48 super kit. As long as you don’t use small tile on the curb, you can install glass 

13. Do the linear drains only plumb out the center rather than left or right?

Our linear drains only are out the center. We don't have options for left or right. What are you looking for to see if we can help you with?

14. I am fully gutting a bathroom and the toilet drain will be the new shower drain. With the way the layout is that means that the drain will be in the far left upper corner of the shower pan

The only solution as of today to make Guru system work would be to move the pipe to the center, otherwise it won't work.

15. Can the GURU shower pan be used in a curbless shower system instead of a typical mud job?


16. I was thinking of using one of the slope pans under the washer and dryer room. Already put the drain in and connected it. So was wondering if I should use a sloped pan or prep as if it’s a shower base and go from there? Also can the wall boards with the membrane hold porcelain slabs? (The shower is next)

We actually have a huge 72x72 pan! But if not, you can maybe use 72x48 pan under the washer and dryer and build up your floor to make it same hight. And yes the walls will hold slabs:) they are attached with washers, which makes it super strong

17. if there is a shower system with the pre sloaped pan and the wall boards as an option or if there is only the roll of membrane available. I think I've priced out "building my own" with the items on the site and compared them to buy. Compared to buying the shower kit and adding on the wall boards as well. Wanted to check that there wasn't an option for wall boards and not the membrane roll before I ordered.

The wall boards have to be purchased separately. You can get any of our SuperKits that have most of the products that you need for a shower renovation. Our SuperKits do not include the wall boards. Please let us know if you have more questions.

18. If I purchase the kit, can I choose a different color/style drain? If so, where is the option to do that?

Hello, if you want a linear drain. You can choose the super kit linear drain without drain and then choose the one you like. If you want the super kit for square drain, we can change it, just let us know it the comment section which reference you want to change it for

19. Where can I get the dryer hook up


20. I am interested in your 48x72 complete shower system with the linear drain. Do you have a drain that is close to an oil-rubbed bronze finish?

Oil-rubbed bronze is much darker, almost black looking. We don't sell this color

21. What is the difference between Lisa Antique and Lisa Nero?

Lisa Antique is a brushed black, Lisa Nero is a Matte Textured Black

22. Where do I find the magnetic vent?

We currently don't carry the vent but you can order it at Amazon under Magvent

23. Need help with the Guru Shower Drain Connector PVC. I installed this as part of a shower system, and it just failed the flood test. It seems the sealant between the membrane and the connector did not bond/seal

Can you give me a phone number so one of our experts can give you a call?

24. I'm wondering what the exact dimensions are for the 36" guru linear drain

Is 3/8” high and 4-1/2 wide

25. What about the length - I'm wondering if it will fit in a shower that's actually 36" wide or if it needs more space

If you have a 36” we recommend a 28”

26. What system would you recommend for a 32 deep 50 wide full system

You can choose any of our super kits 36”x 60”

27. How wide is the curve on that?

The curb is 4 -1/2”

28. Am I able to install a shower system over durock board or would hardibacker board be a better fit?


29. Hello, how thick are your shower pans?

it depends on the size of

30. How can I select my free drain for de Guru Superkit Linear?

Make sure that the one you are adding to the cart has 24", 28" or 36" any other size is not free

31. How far off of the wall should the plumbing for the linear drain be placed? Obviously centered on the back wall, but how far out? Can it be installed as curbless?

Minimum 2 5/8'' from the studs or 2 1/8'' from the backerboard Second question: If you install it curbless you will need to recess the floor

32. One final question what is the difference between the ABS and PVC. I am going do a tile floor.

Is the type of pipe your shower has now some are made of PCV, some ABS. The most common one is PVC. ABS pipes are black and PVC pipes are white. Another difference is that PVC is more flexible, ABS is stronger and more shock resistant

33. Do you have a 5‘ x 5‘ pan?

72x72 SquareDrains and the cut

34. Can this be installed on a slab instead of a wood floor?

If you are referring about the shower pan yes, is possible to install in both. If you have any question more don't hesitate to ask us

35. do you guys have the 36"x36" super kit?

We don’t have 36”x36”, you can get a 36”x48” and cut it down to 36. I mean 36"x60" you can cut it from 60" to 36"

36. With the guru square connector what size pvc shower pipe is to be used? Sqaure Drain Connector PVC

Is 2” connect is not snug around the 2" pipe is this correct? Correct, you will have to put pvc glue between the pipe and the connector

37. how soon after you apply the guru water membrane to the walls can you tile?

Either immediately after or after 24 hours. Not in between.

38. Can this be used on a smaller 30 inch square shower? (Superkit 48x48)

Yes it can but cut to 30”

39. Do u make a smaller kit so im not wasting that much material?

No, sorry about that. The smaller one would be 36”x60”

40. If i used the kit can i tile over drywall or do i need cement board?

You're good with using drywall. The kit comes with the GURU membrane you can cover the drywall with it and then the tile

41. I was ordering which tin set to use. Modified or unmodified

Always modified. Multi ma lite is perfect thinset for membrane installation

42. What kind of thinset should i get

We recommend you get MAPEI Keraflex Plus White Thinset/Medium Bed Tile Mortar (44-lb) at Lowe's.